Ai. The fee on registration and the annual fee for non-tonnage tax ships. Previous Next Aii. The fee on registration and the annual fee for tonnage tax ships Subject to the provisions of article 7(4) of this Act, when there is a change in the particulars or category of a registered ship and the new […]
The Ports and Yachting Directorate has a regulatory role in monitoring the maritime activities which take place within ports and the internal and territorial waters of Malta; and it also manages port facilities which are under the control of the Authority. The Directorate is primarily responsible for ensuring that port users and service providers comply […]
Vessel registration under the Malta flag and the operation of Maltese ships is regulated by the Merchant Shipping Act of 1973, a law based mainly on United Kingdom legislation but subsequently revised and amended in 1986, 1988, 1990, 2000 and 2010. The main legislation is supplemented by a comprehensive set of rules and regulations. Advantages […]
Ports, which are the lifeline of the Maltese Islands, are an integral part of the maritime industry, which is one of the mainstays of the local economy. The importance of maritime activities increases year after year with the recent developments in the leisure markets and the international shipping services, the ever-increasing investments by the private […]