Vessel registration under the Malta flag and the operation of Maltese ships is regulated by the Merchant Shipping Act of 1973, a law based mainly on United Kingdom legislation but subsequently revised and amended in 1986, 1988, 1990, 2000 and 2010. The main legislation is supplemented by a comprehensive set of rules and regulations.
- Ships may be registered in the name of legally constitutedcorporate bodies orentities irrespective of nationality, orby a European Union citizen
- Reputable and internationally recognised ship register
- 24 hour, 7 days a week service
- European Flag with a long maritime tradition
- On the White List of the Paris MoU and Tokyo MoU and on the Low Risk Ship List of the Paris MoU
- No nationality restrictions for master, officers and crew
- No trading restrictions, and preferential treatment to Maltese ships in certain ports
- No hidden costs and no inspection fees
- Customer service oriented approach that values long term customer relationships
- Well-organised and highly responsive flag Administration with one of the largest registers in the world and very active in European Union fora and international organisations
- Maltese requirements well known to main shipyards and main classification societies
- Marriages can be officiated onboard Maltese ships
- A clear strategic political vision supporting business and the maritime industry
- Backing of a professional shipping registry that values long term customer relationships
Eligibility for registration
All types of vessels, from pleasure yachts to oil rigs, including vessels under construction, may be registered, provided that, inter alia, they are wholly owned by legally constituted corporate bodies or entities irrespective of nationality, or by European Union citizens. The formation of a Maltese company is a straightforward operation; there are no nationality requirements as to the shareholders or directors. As a rule, trading ships of 25 years and over are not registered although in certain circumstances this may be considered. Ships of 15 years and over are required to successfully undergo an authorised flag State inspection prior to provisional registration. Ships of 10 years and over but under 15 years are required to successfully undergo an inspection by an authorised flag state inspector before or within one month of provisional registration.
“The formation of a Maltese company is a straightforward operation; there are no nationality requirements as to the shareholders or directors”
Registration procedure
A vessel is first registered provisionally under the Malta flag for six months (extendable for a further period, or periods, not exceeding in the aggregate six months) during which period all documentation needs to be finalised.
The requirements for provisional registration are:
- Application for registration by the owner or an authorised representative, including, if required, application for change of name of ship
- Proof of qualification to own a Maltese ship; in the case of a body corporate, the document of incorporation
- In the case of non-Maltese owners, appointment of a resident agent
- Where applicable, copy of the current ship’s International Tonnage Certificate
- Declaration of ownership made in front of the Registrar by the owner or an authorised representative
- Evidence of seaworthiness; in the case of trading ships, confirmation of class with recognised organisations, and information of the ship’s statutory certification including Company ISM compliance
- Where applicable, request for the Administration to authorise the appropriate recognised classification society to issue the ship’s and the Company statutory certificates
- Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC) – Part 1
- Customer service oriented approach that values long term customer relationships
- Well-organised and highly responsive flag Administration with one of the largest registers in the world and very active in European Union fora and international organisations
- Maltese requirements well known to main shipyards and main classification societies
- Maltese requirements well known to main shipyards and main classification societies
- Where applicable, application for Minimum Safe Manning Certificate
- Payment of initial registration fees and annual tonnage tax
- Application for Ship Radio Station Licence
The following documents are to be submitted during provisional registration:
- Where there was previous ownership, a bill of sale or any other document by which the vessel was transferred to the applicant for registry; otherwise a builder’s certificate in the name of the applicant
- Where applicable, cancellation of registry certificate issued by the Administration where the vessel was last documented
- In the cases of SOLAS ships, copy of the last updated Continuous Synopsis Record issued by the Administration where the ship was last documented.
- Certificate of Survey and a copy of the International Tonnage Certificate issued by an approved surveyor of ships
- Evidence that the vessel has been marked in accordance with law
Where valid appropriate convention certificates are not in place, the ship will be issued with a non-operational certificate of registry. A certificate of Malta registry is subject to renewal on the anniversary of the Maltese registration.
Bareboat Charter Registration
Maltese law provides both for bareboat charter registration of foreign ships under the Malta flag and also for the bareboat charter registration of Maltese ships under a foreign flag. The main principles adopted at law are the compatibility of the two registries and that matters regarding title over the ship, mortgages and encumbrances are governed by the underlying registry, while the operation of the vessel falls under jurisdiction of the bareboat charter registry. Within these parameters, those ships registered under the bareboat charter registry in Malta enjoy the same rights and privileges, and have the same obligations, as any other ship registered in Malta.
A bareboat charter registration shall be for the duration of the bareboat charter or until the expiry date of the underlying registration, whichever is the shorter, but in no case for a period exceeding two years. Registration may be extended. The requirements and registration procedure for bareboat charter registration in Malta are similar to a normal registration, except that:
- Ship is bareboat chartered to a body corporate, entity or such other person qualified to own a Maltese ship
- Ship is not a Maltese ship, and is registered in a compatible registry
- Ship is not registered in another bareboat registry
- The following documents need to be produced:
-Application for registration by the charterer or an authorised representative
-Declaration of bareboat charter accompanied by the charter agreement
– Transcript or an extract of the underlying registration
– Copy of the ship’s International Tonnage Certificate
– Consent in writing of the underlying registry, owners and mortgagees.
Registration fees and annual tonnage tax for bareboat charter registration are the same as those applicable for normal registration.
“Vessels to be classed as trading ships are to be built under the supervision of a recognised organisation”
Ships under construction
Maltese law provides for the registration of vessels that are being built or equipped. The requirements relating, inter alia, to survey and safety of ships already built and to the declaration of ownership where the builders have not yet effected delivery to owners will be suspended until construction is completed or until delivery has been made. Vessels to be classed as trading ships are to be built under the supervision of a recognised organisation.
Commercial Yachts
Yachts in commercial use, which do not carry cargo and do not carry more than 12 passengers, can be registered as commercial yachts. Maltese law is very advantageous for the operation of commercial yachts. A Commercial Yacht Code setting the required standards of safety and pollution prevention can be downloaded from
International Conventions
Malta has adopted all the major international maritime conventions including: CLC 92, Tonnage 69, COLREG 72, Fund 92, INMARSAT, LLMC 1996 Protocol, Load Lines 66 (including 1988 Protocol), London Convention 72, MARPOL 73/78, SOLAS 74/78 (including 1988 Protocol), STCW 78 as amended, 2002 Protocol to Athens 74, Bunkers 01, AFS 01, SUA 88 (including SUA Protocol 1988), SAR 79, FAL 65, OPRC 90 and OPRC-HNS Protocol 00 and BWMC2004, WRC07 ILO Conventions Nos. 87, 98, 108, 138, and 180 and MLC2006, Hong Kong, HK Convention (2009) For a ship to operate under the Malta flag it must carry at all times valid statutory certificates issued on behalf of the Malta government by a recognised organisation.
Recognised organisations
Survey, tonnage and convention certificates may be issued on behalf of the Malta government by the following recognised organisations: American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, Croatian Register of Shipping, China Classification Society, ClassNK, DNV-GL, Korean Register of Shipping, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Polish Register of Shipping, Registro Italiano Navale, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, and Indian Register of Shipping (IRS).
Manning and certification of seafarers
Maltese ships are subject to the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act, ancillary regulations and the STCW 78 Convention (as amended) regarding the manning and certification of seafarers. There are no restrictions on the nationality of the master, officers and crew engaged on Maltese ships. Foreign certificates issued in terms of the STCW 78 Convention require an endorsement issued by the Maltese Administration attesting their recognition. A Minimum Safe Manning Certificate will be issued by the Administration.
Registration, transfer, amendment and discharge of mortgages may be effected immediately on presentation of the relative documents to the Registrar. The 1986, 1988, 1990 and 2000 amendments introduced important safeguards in respect of registered mortgages thus making financing of Maltese ships more attractive.
Closure of registry
The registry of a Maltese ship may be closed at the request of the owners provided all liabilities and obligations in respect of the ship towards the State of Malta have been fulfilled and the consent of all registered mortgagees is produced. Cancellation of registry by the Administration for non-compliance with the provisions of the law may also be effected after adequate time has been given to the owners to regularise matters and for the financiers to take the necessary action to protect their interests.
Further information
The text of relevant Maltese laws, including subsidiary legislation currently in force may be downloaded from:
From time to time the Merchant Shipping Directorate issues Merchant Shipping Notices to give information, expound on procedures and communicate the parameters for the exercise of discretionary powers ( notices). The information contained herein is meant to serve as a guide only and is subject to change without prior notice. Further information may be obtained from the Merchant Shipping Directorate at Transport Malta.
Enquiries may be directed to:
Registrar of Ships
Malta Transport Centre
Hal-Lija LJA 2021, Malta
Telephone: +356 2125 0360
AOH Registry matters: +356 9949 4317 or 9949 4315
AOH Technical matter: +356 7943 4316/7/8 / +356 9949 5474
AOH Seafarer Certification: +356 9906 7197
AOH ISPS: +356 9943 4318
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