Boat Fittings; Boat Trailers; Cargo Handling Contractors; Chandlers; Conveyance Operators; Crew Certification; Fenders & Fendering Systems; Fire Prevention Systems; Health & Safety Consultancy & Equipment; Marine Equipment, Supplies & Services; Marine Safety Equipment; Medical / Seafarer Medicals; Medical & First Aid Supplies; Offshore Ship Supply Services; Personnel Transport; Salvage operation Services; Ship & Crew Management; Ship Owners; Ship Registration; Ship Repairs; Water Suppliers;
Incorporated in 1980, we are the pioneers in the offshore ship supply services in Malta. This company has performed work for and on behalf of all the major local ship agents. Top priority amongst the company’s characteristics has always been punctuality, that extra attention in safe keeping of all the material being transported at sea, and most of all the safety of all personnel concerned in this business.