The Company provides various pest prevention and control services in industrial, health and commercial premises such as factories, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, bakeries, banks, offices, ships/yachts as well as in households and residential areas. The primary objective of the service is to control and if possible eliminate pests and preventing infestations ideally without the utilization of any biocides. This is done by incorporating an IPMP (Integrated Pest Management Program) system. In effect this consists of identifying signs of pest infestations and conditions which attract pests or provide food, water, access or harbourage for them on site. An IPMP is founded on an initial Pest Risk Assessment and the allocation of various monitors in strategic high risk locations.
This may consist of placement of an adequate number of apposite stations in or outside the premises. In spite of these measures one may still have to consider applying an application of selected biocides (pesticides) around pest entry routes in order to subdue any possible infestation after due consideration is attributed to the health and safety of occupants and only after all other prevention options have been exhausted. As part of the IPMP service the Company also identifies the cause of infestation and advises on any further action that needs to be taken by the client towards better pest prevention measures such as proofing, hygiene or housekeeping. This is normally achieved through submission of documentation which is left on site for inspection and records. Food and pharmaceutical company clients take this documentation very seriously and also require it for auditing purposes. The service can briefly be summed up as one which is aimed at ensuring a healthy environment in the home or workplace by elimination or exclusion of various pests which by their nature are carriers of disease and pose a threat to an individual’s health and business. The service is therefore a direct contributor to the smooth running of industry.